I have been wanting to take
Brynlee to the pumpkin patch since it turned fall outside. Come to find out we missed the TWO days that the local pumpkin patch was open. Two days. Are you kidding me? So, we went to the next best place.

Good thing she’s two and
doesn’t know exactly what a pumpkin patch is, or she might have been disappointed picking a pumpkin out of a huge cardboard box in front of the grocery store.

Then three days later, IT SNOWED! Way-to-go, I-
da-ho! If we keep going through seasons this fast I will probably be sunbathing on the deck by Wednesday. Or probably not. Because first of all I just had a baby, and second of all I just had a baby so NO WAY AM I SUNBATHING ON THE DECK. Anyway. Spencer and
Brynlee slaved all morning in the freezing cold weather to build this snowman.

Then 20 minutes of sunbathing on the deck later it was gone. So in an effort to redeem themselves they built this one.

20 minutes later.

That makes Spencer and
Brynlee. Zero. Snowman. Two. On top of building snowman, we also spent the weekend celebrating the first snow day of the year with a candle-topped-blueberry muffin.

Why the muffin? Let me explain. There are so many details that make this story more interesting, but I'm sure you have somewhere other than this
blog to be, so I’ll summarize.
See Spence. See Kim. See Spence and Kim meet and fall in love. See Kim get cold feet and run (stupid Kim). See Spence’s truck. See the bald tires. See the first snow storm of the winter. It’s a BAD snow storm. See Kim call Spence to see if he needs to borrow her car. See Spence agree then take Kim out to dinner in return. See Kim realize that she is indeed in love with Spence. See Spencer and Kim get married. And because of all this Spencer and I celebrate the first snow storm every year. I know…were dorks, but there are just not enough holidays in the year. We usually have a little bigger celebration that a blueberry muffin and a candle, but the first snow day snuck up on us this year and we were caught unprepared. I did give Spence a bag of Peanut M&M’s (his favorite) and some candy bars. Because we live large. And he made me this sign while I was grocery shopping.

So, Happy First Snow Day everyone. And in other big news from the weekend.
Jace turned 1 month.

Time goes so fast when you are picking pumpkins out at Win-Co, making bite-size snowman, and celebrating a made-up holiday with computer printed posters and Costco size blueberry muffins.
That is such a cute story I can't believe I neve heard it before. FYI It was 79 degrees here yesterday and the trees are barely turning colors. Strangly I miss the silly weather in Idaho and Utah.
wow I can't believe that Jace is month old how cute
HA HA HA, You were dumb for not marrying him sooner. But wait, Who would i have hung out with if you had stayed the with him the 1st time?? Whew! glad you ran off and decided to think about it for a bit (no offense Spencer!)so i could ditch you and get married first, you are such a kind and conciderate friend. I'm sure you did for me huh. :) Kali
What a little sweetheart. I wish I could hold him.
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