But, honestly, the thing that bothers me the most is how quickly most men can lose weight. When Spence and I first started dating he was preparing for a powerlifting competition. He informed me that he needed to weigh-in the next day and had to lose 10 pounds by morning time. I’m sure I spoke encouraging words, but in my head I was thinking “Oh you fool, bless your heart if you honestly think you can lose 10 pounds in your sleep!” Turns out I was the fool. All he needed to do was skip the butter on his potato, have Baked Lays instead of Doritos, and not drink his regular 11:30pm chocolate milkshake and sure enough he had lost the 10 pounds.
Are you kidding me? I could be on the “cleansing juice diet” for 30 days, exercise myself into craziness, cut off both my arms and I would still have 2 more pounds to lose to hit the 10 pound mark.
But, today I think I figured out my problem. When Brynlee and I were on our 4th pretend picnic of the day I took a good look at what we were getting served.
Here is what Brynlee served Jace:
Hahaha...okay that was funny. When I read the title I was gearing up for a scolding because you were complaining about losing weight 15 minutes after giving birth. But no worries...you're just being hilarious.
Our kids know us too well don't they? Funny!
Oh yeah and a couple of years ago when Brett and I did weight watchers together I exercised and followed the plan and lost 10 pounds in 6 months! Brett didn't exercise and lost 25 pounds in 3 months. That is so fair!
Maybe she's just worried that you are too thin after having the baby and she wants to fatten you up!
that is to funny
Jeremy has to merely mention that he wants to lose 5 lbs. and he looses 10! It makes me so mad...
too funny! She knows how to serve mommy all the good stuff huh? You trained her right :)
That is my kindof lunch! You are too funny. Oh and by the way, I emailed Jentry and she is still alive and in pocatello. she would love to get together with everyone! anyways, have fun with your plastic sweets!
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