Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Excuse me while I pretend I’m FlyLady

Okay, so here’s the thing . . . this is loooonnnng, and boooooring aaaannnnd about cleaning and most of it is extremely unnecessary and for that I apologize.  Don’t blame me; blame the people that requested my monthly house cleaning list in the first place.  They should have known I’d get carried away.

So, first things first, I have two house cleaning lists {well, and a seasonal house to-do list, but I’m trying not to scare you}.  I rotate between the two of them depending on my mood.  One is set up in a daily format with a few things to do every day and the other is set up in a monthly format with a weekly cleaning breakdown.  I go through house cleaning phases.  For the last eight months{ish} I have been using my monthly format and setting aside one morning each week for house cleaning + laundry.  But for a long time before that I used my weekly cleaning list and did a little bit of cleaning every day. 

Again loooonnnng, and boooooring and I don’t know why I’m telling you this.

I guess to say that I’m attaching my monthly house cleaning list because it is what I’m using right now {and because I made it cute} but if you like more of a daily cleaning schedule and want me to post that one as a reference let me know.  And I cross my heart, hope to die that I will make that post way shorter.

Anyway, the chart. 

Oh but first, I’m attaching it in a read only file, but I realize that every household has different cleaning needs.  If you would like me to email you the Microsoft Word Document of my chart so you can edit it and make it your own {Jami?} leave me a comment and I will send it your way.  Alrighty?  Okay, the chart:

And in case you’re wondering here is what it means to me: 

I think it’s important to note that I don’t actually do every single thing on my monthly list every single month or every single thing on my weekly list every single week.  I might decide that the upstairs doesn’t need dusted that week or that I dusted blinds last month {or like three months ago} so they don’t need done this month.  My cleaning list is basically a reminder of things to-do.  And it serves the ever important purpose of giving me something to cross off in permanent black marker when I get something done.  Because that’s how I roll.

Speaking of how I roll, I also have a tendency to beat a dead horse deader {or whatever}.  So come back later to read a few cleaning tips that work for me.  {Talking about cleaning should not make me this happy}.  I was planning on posting them now, but the formatting was wrong.  And this post is already long.  And I'm tired.  And it's bedtime.  And tomorrow is Wednesday.  And Wednesday's are busy.  So for now, I'm off to bed.



sarah louise said...
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Jami said...

Yeah...I want the word document! Thanks for the post, BECAUSE really I am in the mood to do things differently right now! You really are the best Kim, great example. I love you!!

Jen said...

Maybe I am such a nerd but I was way excited about this post! I would love your monthly and weekly cleaning chart emailed to me please Kim! This again makes me very excited! You should see my house right now...seriously, you would puke!

The Staley Family said...

Sometimes I feel strange commenting on here because we barely know each other, but you're Jami's sis and I love Jami so it's all good right?! I love a good chore chart simply because of the satisfaction I get by crossing things off! I would love it emailed too, but I'll just ask Jami to forward it on! Thanks again for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I want you to send me the microsoft document for both the monthly and weekly cleaning charts if you don't mind. I've been wanting a cleaning list forever but it seems like everytime I try to write a list all I can come up with is MAKE THE HOUSE CLEAN. This is the perfect breakdown. You rock.


MattandNikiJ said...

WOW! is all I have to say. I would like to point out that I dont quite understand all your techniques and would love a demonstration on my house :)!! Anyone is welcome to come watch as well. THANKS KIM :)! Hope to see ya soon!

Miranda said...

I love it. Keep it coming deary.

Nick and Karalynn said...

Kim, this post just got me excited about cleaning my house. And that is a big deal, because that RARELY happens. I also like lists because I can cross things off, but I also like them because it tells me what to do, and I don't have to think so hard. And I would also like to see your weekly list too. And I almost feel kinda bad for requesting all these things from you. But we're practically family, right? I mean, we were (kinda) married in high school, right?

Kamilla said...

I hate to break it to you, but you are an extremely fly lady, oh and you are also my hero. Just thought you should know.

Unknown said...

With a baby on the way and a husband who doesn't seem to get I need help (Currently 39 weeks 3 days and bone tired) I could really use this list, please send me the word doc!!

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