Monday, March 14, 2011

what the...?!?

If only I had a nickel for every time that bathroom mirrors been licked. . .
. . . I’d have at least five cents!

*This post is being used as my Project 52: Glimpse into Motherhood post.
Because to me motherhood is washing the mirror for the third time this week.


Jami said...

Oh, don't worry...that's normal...I do it ALL the time ;)!....What a little stinker!

b. lee said...

cute cute CUTE!!! what a stinker * LOL

ailinh said...

Oh how funny! Seriously too cute. If only their licks would be as clean as Windex then that'd be something! ;)

Cambria said...

So true! My son tries to do the same thing except on the glass in doors into our church! The things kids do...LOL :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I can't wait to read more of your blog, and already want to be friends because of the Titanic quote at the bottom of your blog! LOVE it! :)

Mary Nevin said...

how hilarious!!! and yes, i think all kids do this :) too cute!

tharker said...

I love it!!

Kristen said...

how cute! ya know, minus the smudge on the mirror and all..

Lacy@uphillandsmiling said...

I love your smile in the background of the pictures :) Now that's a good Mom!

Thanks for your comment on my blog...

Anonymous said...


Claire said...

too funny and oh so cute! better than my child who eats food off the floor or licks the screen door. yuck!

Karen said...

Love the title...there are so many times I look at my kids and think the same thing. What the...?!?! WHY???

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