Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hi again. Still rambling.

Jace lost a tooth. And then another. And then another. Three teeth in one month. Which made him extremely happy. Mainly because he and his dad are in process of saving all of their extra money to go halfsies on a WiiU. The {three time} tooth fairy payout saved him a lot of taking out the trash, doing dishes and cleaning the toy room to earn chore chart money. Spence listed a few old textbooks on Amazon the other night to help supplement Jace’s piggy bank savings and so the WiiU fund is growing. I’ve made Spence promise that there will be no WiiU until fall time though because #novideogamesallowedduringthesummermonths and also, #meanestmomever! Plus, it will give Jace reason and motivation to keep up on his chores this summer.

The kids had their first soccer games of the season yesterday. Jace scored four goals! Go Green Monsters. And Brynlee is on an all-girl team this year which she is way excited about. All the big, rough and rowdy boys intimidated her a little last season; most of them were double her size. I think Brynlee lucked out as far as coaches this go around, and I think this group of girls will be so fun for her. Spence and I love watching the kids play. I asked Brynlee after her game yesterday if mom and dad cheering so loud embarrassed her. She said no, so I guess she gave us permission to continue to be those parents on the sidelines.

The other day Jace told me that his first favoritest person in the whole entire world was Jesus. And his second most favoritest person in the whole entire world was a tie: cops and Santa. Which cracked me up.

Marlee sings all the songs to Frozen. Let it go being her favorite, of course. She sings them so sincerely and intently that it makes me smile until I laugh. Kids are so rad. Absolutely exhausting at times, but rad.

Wasn’t general conference awesome!? I’ve been needing a little spiritual boast. I haven’t quite felt myself lately. Not entirely bleh, but certainly not on top of the world either. General conference was a good pick-me-up, like always.

Per Brynlee’s birthday request we’re now fish owners. Three goldfish: Dog Fish, named by Jace, and Ruby and Holly. So far the kids have been really good about feeding them and cleaning their bowl. I’m taking bets on how long that will last though.

Spencer and I have been taking a little parenting class on Tuesday evenings. Love and Logic. We decided to sign up for the class on a whim. It was being held at Jace’s preschool building which was our initial motivator. Marlee practically falls over dead every time we drop Jace off at preschool. …because it’s so not fair that Jace gets to stay and play with the preschool toys, and she does not. They were offering childcare during the class so we figured win, win. Free parenting class + Marlee would get to hang out at Jace’s preschool. We have really enjoyed the class. I think it offers great insight and ideas and has gotten Spence and I on the same page as far as this parenting gig goes. Not that we were on entirely different pages before, but the class has spurred many great parenting conversations between the two of us. I told Spencer that I wish we would have taken this class before we even had kids. Most of the theories and ideas that we've talked about in class are things that we already had in our parenting skill set, but most of them we had to learn through trial and error. And sometimes the trial and error method is exhausting – especially with a two year old.

I love these kids of ours though. Every time we leave the class Spence and I can’t stop gushing about what great kids we have. And also, my kids have a pretty awesome dad! Which I guess makes me a pretty lucky momma.

Also for the record, I think I would really enjoy teaching parenting classes. You know, someday.

Anyway, time to get the kids bundled up for some outside time before bed. General conference weekend makes for a lot of time sitting in front of the TV and I’m feeling antsy.


Jaelynn said...

Please get a video of cute little Mars bars singing frozen. I would love to see it!

Kimberlee said...

I need to do that Jaelynn. I've been meaning to. She's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I love love and logic. I have a couple good books on it (if you ever want to borrow them) and I have taken the class for teachers and again as parents. However, I must warn you it does not work with one of my strong willed children. I didn't realize it might not work on all children. It doesn't. But for most of the child population it is great.

Kimberlee said...

Spence and I have loved the class Sarah. Right now we are taking the early childhood class (birth-six), but I've been keeping my eyes open for another class for the next age range. Most everything we have talked about is for the little ones (temper tantrum, whining, trouble eating dinner, potty training etc.) it is still very applicable to Marlee, but Brynlee and Jace are past the "terrible two" stage. I would like to hear a little more about their thoughts and theories on consequences, discipline and choices for the older ones. Do your books touch on that?

Jessica said...

Did you really hashtag. . .!I love Marlee and want to see that video to!

sarah louise said...

I am pretty sure I do. I will look for it. I know I have an early childhood one, and a teacher one. I remember when I was teaching school before I had kids and one of my students forgot their lunch. The principal refused to let him call home. I was a little taken back and then he told me about love and logic and natural consequences. If his mom were to bring him his lunch he would never learn to remember it himself. That was my first taste of love and logic. It makes a lot of sense. I have never brought my kids forgotten lunches or backpacks and they have really learned to be responsible about those things. I am not great at other aspects of love and logic (sometimes yelling just wins out), but I really agree with the concepts.

sarah louise said...

I am pretty sure I do. I will look for it. I know I have an early childhood one, and a teacher one. I remember when I was teaching school before I had kids and one of my students forgot their lunch. The principal refused to let him call home. I was a little taken back and then he told me about love and logic and natural consequences. If his mom were to bring him his lunch he would never learn to remember it himself. That was my first taste of love and logic. It makes a lot of sense. I have never brought my kids forgotten lunches or backpacks and they have really learned to be responsible about those things. I am not great at other aspects of love and logic (sometimes yelling just wins out), but I really agree with the concepts.

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