Thursday, January 10, 2013

Firewood, growing pains and non-productivity.

We made a quick trip to ‘The Farm’ last night. Ate dinner, sang happy birthday to the eleven year old and loaded up on more firewood. It’s been such an arctic tundra lately that we are burning that stuff like crazy. It really is one of my winter loves though – a roasty, toasty wood burning fire – and we keep it burning almost every day. It makes those freezing winter days feel cozy. Or at very least, doable.

And then Jace woke up in the middle of the night with tears from aching growing pains. This afternoon he reminded me, “Remember last night when my legs hurt? That was not cool!” And he’s right, not one bit cool. Poor kid.

Which means today we were all a bit exhausted. Not too cranky {thankfully}, just happily opted for a slow, non-productive day. Speaking of non-productive, I told Jami last night that I was getting that bug to start redecorating, repainting and redoing.  If only that bug came with the needed energy. And an abundance of time, money and resources. Right? My mind is full of envisioned projects, but so far that is where they’ve rested. I did bring a can of primer in from the garage and stuck in the laundry room to defrost. So there’s that.

But don’t be fooled, I haven’t been completely worthless lately. I mean, I beat every.single.level of Where’s My Water over Christmas break. That takes mad skill and an astounding level of dedication. Oh, and I also got another blog book compiled {one more and I’m up to date} AND a few digital photo albums ordered. One of the albums was an accumulation of all the slides from our wedding slideshow. There was a slip-up when printing and the photo book came back with a yellow error page right in the middle of the album. No biggie though, Spencer removed it with a steady hand and a razor blade and all was well. But, when the printing company realized their error they sent me a second book. So that’s good news! Because we totally needed two books of the exact same thing. Now if Spencer and I ever get divorced we will both walk away with our very own copy of our wedding slideshow. {ha}

Anyway, it’s late…so until tomorrow, or whenever.

P.S. Jami, you and I are both fully aware that I kick butt at back-up singing, Geez.


Jami said...

HA! Maybe next time I will actually do my hair and make-up before you guys come...but don't count on it! It was a fun little visit while it lasted.

sarah louise said...

Okay, a super big thanks to you for getting me hooked on Where's my water. I am addicted, and frustrated all at the same time! Some of those levels take a lot of brain power :)

Debbie said...

I love our wood stove. There is nothing like hot heat. It warms things so much better than a heat pump. My son has problems with his legs hurting all the time. Just the other night he had tears running down his cheeks because of the pain. I feel helpless because I can't help him. Do you have any tips or tricks to ease the growing pains? I tried a heating pad which seemed to help a little.

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