Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 25, Way 25

We are still celebrating summer at my house.  We’ve been filling our days with swimming lessons, park playing, sprinklers, popsicles and sun.  Add in a 24th of July day parade, a day at Lava Hot Springs with the Francis’ and a last minute cousin sleep-over and it explains my delay in posting my Celebrating Summer pictures.  But I’ve been snapping pictures still the same.  Jami is our town bound and will be staying for the next few days.  The kids can’t contain their excitement and Brynlee and Brooke have already talked on the phone a few times planning activities for when she finally arrives.  It’s bring a friend day at Brynlee’s gymnastics so Brooke will be joining her and I think I am going to attempt Dutch Oven again tonight to feed the masses.  I’m hoping after the quick phone review Sarah and I had my potatoes turn out more like her potatoes and less like my first crack at Dutch oven potatoes.  They weren’t horrible, but they weren’t Brett and Sarah’s potatoes either.  Plus, Jami will be here for back-up and like I’ve mentioned before this sorta cooking is right up her alley.  A few other little things, real quick:
·         Brynlee has been a rockstar at swimming lessons this year.  No tears.  In fact she’s asking to do it again next session, we shall see.  Today she did the breaststroke halfway across the short length of the pool.  Makes her non-swimming mom so proud.
·         Three years ago the Francis family and my crazy gang started our annual summer trip to Lava Hot Springs.  It’s one of our summer highlights.  I’m so glad Sarah is my sister in law.  She takes me like I am, and even laughs at my jokes.  Bless her heart.
·         Breah and I met up and picnicked at the park yesterday.  I think Breah and I will always be BFF’s.  I hope so anyway.  Some things should just never end.  Our lunch dates when she comes to town have sure changed though.  What used to be a quiet lunch at Red Lobster has turned into child chasing adventure at the nearest park.  We spent her entire two hour drive back home on the phone because we didn’t get to actually talk when we saw each other.  Dang our kids.  But honestly, it’s just how we want it.
·         Jace has mastered the little red trike and is in desperate need of a bike in a boy color – although he does look absolutely precious peddling Brynlee’s pink bike around.  He’s such a character.
·         I’m in charge of a little family party for my side of the family this year.  We are hoping for October {after farming season} and also hoping to not have to travel far.  I’m picturing a cabin in the mountains.  Any suggestions?
Until next time, XOXO and summer fun.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are my sister-in-law too! You are the best!

Anonymous said...

Oh and let me know how the potatoes go. (I probably shouldn't have given you the recipe because you have a magic touch with everything. Before you know it your potatoes will surpass mine :)

Kerry said...

My suggestion?? Take me with you!! Ahh a cabin in the mountains sounds devine. Um, what are Dutch Potatoes, I could google it but I'm sure you'd love to tell me. And I agree, some things should never end, and won't, if it's meant to be...

Kali Jo said...

Ha ! another camping trip!Awesome! A cabin would be awesome but you could always got to indian spring and camp out then I just might invite myself to dinner!!

JHNickodemus said...

Sounds like swim team time!

MattandChandra said...

What a fun summer you have planned for your family! I want to be part of your family to join the get together in oct. It would be so fun to see you all and your kids. I haven't met Jessicas younger two in person. How sad when I think about that. Anyway, I know it will be a blast if you're the one planning it.

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