A couple years ago Spence and I were visiting family in Twin Falls and had stopped at the gas station to grab a drink and fill up the tank for the trip home. While Spence filled up the tank, an oh-so-hip and very mature 21 year old guy came over and made small talk. After discussing very important issues like the cool place to hang out on the cruise, and the hot chic that he took out last weekend he asked Spencer where he was from. When he heard Spencer’s response he informed him that he was only a short trip away from the Budweiser plant which sold THE BEST BEER EVER and when Spence got old enough to indulge in a drink or two he should go to the neighboring town and check it out. Spence promised that in seven years AGO when he turns 21 he would.
Happy 30
th Birthday Spencer. Just 3 more years and you will totally be old enough to buy a lottery ticket.
In spite of your rapid approach to
AARP membership and discounted meals at Elmer’s, you still don’t look a day over 18. And I wish I were kidding!
Happy Birthday Babe. We love you.
Happy Birthday to my little brother who got all the good genes...a high metabalism, very young looking, patient, etc. You are very welcome for me taking up the bad genes so you wouldn't have too! What a great sister I am!
Love you! Hope your day is great!
Happy Birthday Spencer! I have always been proud to tell my students that my brother in law is the power lifting champion of the world!!! :) We love you.
Really?!? Spencer is 30? I thought he was much younger! Good to know Keenan isn't the only one who looks 10 years younger than he is (he turns 30 in Feb)!
Happy Birthday Spence. Just think you might look 30 in another 10 years or so, maybe.
Eva is a little worried that uncle Spencer's arm is getting hurt in you pic. 30 wow that's all I can say Nate will be 30 next year a hard concept to grasp.
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