Spencer is over the eleven year old scouts for our
church. For this week’s activity they are at our house working on the Wii Sport Merit Badge. While they work on the previously mentioned perfectly
fake Merit Badge the kids and I are upstairs watching TV. I keep turning up the volume in hopes of blocking out the ruckus of a group of eleven year old boys contently destroying my house. It isn’t working. Dear Jace- Big favor. Please don’t EVER turn eleven. Thanks. Love, Mom I just wanted to jot down a few things that really
aren’t worth mentioning, but I’m going to mention them anyways because that’s what I do. Plus, it will help keep my mind off all the noise. For starters…I loved doing
Picture a Day. I think I will do it again sometime. But, I’m not goin’ lie, as soon as I posted
Day 30 I had an urge to break into a little celebratory dance while singing the lyrics of “We Did It” (You know? The one by Dora the Explorer.) However we had company, so I contained myself. Your welcome,

Speaking of Anna. She is my sister-in-law. And she has an adorable little girl named Lillie. They spent a good part of last week at our house. It was fun!

We went to the circus. I had mild heartburn while paying $60.00 for us to watch the show. Followed by some HARDCORE HEARTBURN when I realized that I had just paid $60.00 to watch some dogs walk around in a circle while a circus announcer dangled overpriced circus paraphernalia in front of my child. Lame! I
don’t even like dogs. I do like new computers though. And a new one came in the mail. Oh Happy Day!

Oh, and we jumped on the bandwagon and are in the process of refinancing our house. Today we had our appraisal. Me, half a pan of brownies (wish I were kidding), and some DVRed cartoons worked our magic and made the place shine. The appraisers arrived at our house at 3:42pm and left at 3:51pm. WHAT! I spit shined my house and paid 300 dollars for nine minutes of their time! To distract from the frustration I finished off the remaining brownies. Just one more thing. Spencer got me a new Barbecue Grill for my birthday. I like it! I would appreciate if you would send all good BBQ recipes, tips and techniques my way. Thanks.
i got a good recipe for the grill. her goes now follow closely!!
1. open thawed hamburger pattie package.
2. slap patties onto grill.
3.cook till done
4. add chez slice if desired
5. place cooked burger on bun and add condiments.
6. enjoy
Now, this is a family recipie so don't let every one know about it. your a a dear sweet friend that i have know forever and i want you to have it. Happy birthday!!
If you buy the book Weber's Real Grilling you will never need another grilling recipe as long as you live. I'M SERIOUS. Go buy it right now. I got mine at Lowes and I have NEVER made a recipe that we didn't LOVE from it.
No, listen to me! I'm serious! GO BUY IT!
I will go immediately! Thanks Mandy.
And thank you Kali. Oh the perks of being a "dear sweet friend" are neverending. :)
I'm curious which grill he got ya. we have been looking at them. It was something i wanted when we bought our house but maybe this summer or maybe the WINTER would be a better idea. Then maybe i can get a discount for the dust planted on it :)
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