Monday, September 3, 2012

On Labor Day

My heck, you guys. I can’t get my head above water. Life keeps bouncing from one thing to another, and I keep finding myself fighting for breath. This time of year is always busy, but this year seems even more so. Schools started. Brynlee adores her first grade teacher and Jace will attend preschool this coming Tuesday all alone. Pray for us!

I have so many things that I’ve been meaning to jot down, and I will. But for now a couple adorable pictures of our quickly growing little bug-a-boo. She coos like crazy these days and it makes us all so happy.

Photo credit goes to my sister-in-law Sarah.
Love ya, Sarah. Thanks for visiting.

Today’s Labor Day and we are out of school/work. We are off to the park for a picnic and Spence has promised the kids a gas station treat; he will be treating me to a gas station fountain drink. Right now the weather feels like fall, Spence and Jace are mowing the lawn, Brynlee’s helping with the dishes and I am planning soup for dinner. Life is busy, yet wonderful.



Jessica said...

Seriously adorable!

Jami said...

Holy Crap!!! Either you need to come visit or I need to go there and visit because that little girl is growing up and oh so cute!!! What a little stinker bum!!

sarah louise said...

Honestly, I don't think she could be any cuter! Love that sweet baby (and the rest of you too)!

Becca said...

are you kidding me with that sweetness?? i die.

Unknown said...

She is such a cutie pie!

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