Showing posts with label Onward with the rambling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Onward with the rambling. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2018

A Happy List

Here are four things that are making me happy right now.

My aerobics class. It’s been years since I’ve been able to go to an aerobics class on a regular basis. I’ve finally been able to again and it’s my favorite. It’s certainly one of the silver linings of my kids getting older (Marlee is a kindergartner now, say WHAT?!). I love working out with these ladies.

3:05. That time when the big yellow B-U-S pulls up in front of my house. (Side note: Marlee is learning to spell all sorts of 3 letter words. She throws it out there all the time. “Did you see the C-A-T?” “M-O-M where’s D-A-D?” "Is the S-U-N up today?” It makes me smile.) Anyway, B-U-S time is my favorite part of the day.  I love watching my kids run into the house after a long day at school. I love hearing their stories from the day, looking through their backpacks and having them home again. They sorta make my world go ‘round. And they also drive me crazy…because, well, kids. D-U-H.

My eye covers. I have always had a horrible time falling asleep at night. And then when we moved into a hotel for 42 days (2 ½ years ago…I can’t believe it’s already been that long!) I invested in some sweet eye covers to block out the all night light of city dwelling. I haven’t slept a night without them since. They don’t cure insomnia, but they definitely reduce the symptoms. Plus, added bonus, they're sexy. Ha!

My husband. The older we get and the more life we live, the more and more I realize just how very lucky I am that he chose me to be his best friend. I’m pretty lucky, and he’s pretty dang amazing!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Rediscovering, A verb

I hear sometimes old embers can ignite new flames. This is my hope.

This is us {unedited}. 2018.

This is not a New Year’s Resolution. I feel like I should disclose that.

But maybe it should be. (???)

Did you make goals? It’s the 9th, and mine are still a work in process. Maybe there is beauty in that, I’m not sure, but maybe. I know I have been thinking much more deeply about those goals and where I want to be at the end of 2018. I’m still undecided. I’m trying to be okay with that. I'm learning that sometimes life doesn’t need to be perfectly scripted and planned out. That’s a really hard concept for me to grasp, let alone celebrate.

But here we are.

We’ve changed. We’ve grown. We’ve trialed. Sometimes with error. We’ve felt defeated. And have conquered too. We’ve developed. And moved on. And held on. We’ve aged. We’ve laughed. We’ve unearthed some new passions. And kept developing some old as well. We've had some fun. We’ve traveled. And also willingly hunkered down at times. We’ve met new friends. We’ve missed old friends; and kept in contact with some along the way.  And, most importantly, we’ve loved! I think that’s my favorite part.

Maybe that should be my goal for the upcoming year?


I like it.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Well, hello...

So I quit blogging.


Yada yada yada.

Because you know how it goes…the further you get behind, the more you get behind. And then you’re so far behind you don’t know where to start. So you don’t. And then you get even more behind. In fact, you get so far behind that you forget to even think about ever journaling again. And you’re good with that. You think.

Until its 1:00 in the early morning on a Friday in June and you can’t sleep. S0 you update the blog, marathon style. Without thought, or word, or reason. Because why the heck not. You just haphazardly open picture folders on your computer, pick random photos (eeny meeny miny moe), press publish and call it a post.

Bam. Updated. Like a rockstar.

P.S. Three years ago today Marlee was born. Happy Birthday sugar pie.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Thoughts on this Sunday Morning

Last night I asked Spence if I should just quit my little bloggy journal. “I’m so far behind”, I reasoned. “Plus, the kids are getting older and I’m starting to realize that they might not want things written about them anymore. “No way!” he answered. And honestly, looking back, this journal is my treasure. And so I’ll continue…

This morning Jace asked me when we get to go on the Pioneer Trek again. That experience touched my little family. I’m so glad we were given the opportunity. Sometimes when my kids are feeling hesitant about certain things in life I remind them that they are capable of hard things …you pulled that handcart for all those miles, remember. You can do anything!

On a snowy day last January I typed this out and published it on my blog:

Speaking of New Years and resolutions, do you pick a word for the year? I never have before. In fact, I had absolutely no intention of doing so this year either. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. But then I was sitting next to Judge Smith at church on Sunday. He is such a kind and spirited man. Anyway, when the closing song started playing Judge Smith started whistling the tune, without control or reserve, in true Judge Smith manner. Carry on, carry on, carry on. And then it hit me. I would chose a word for 2014, and that would be it. Carry on. I’m not entirely sure what 2014 will bring our family. Maybe change. Maybe more of the same. Maybe it will be speckled with trials or a smooth sailing sort of a year? Maybe it will be one for the books. Or maybe one, come December 31st, I want to wrap up and store away in a locked chest to not have to worry about any more. But whatever it brings I intend to do that: carry on, carry on, carry on.

I feel like we are in a bit of a transformation right now: Spence got a new job. Change (good or bad) is hard. And with his new job grown-up decisions seem like they need to be made, and honestly I’m not sure how to make them.  Kindergarten has been hard! My sister has had some medical issues and I’ve been heart sick and worrisome for her.

But there is good too! Whenever I’m feeling a bit drab – in one of those funks – I turn on some Pandora and watch the picture slideshow that is a constant on our TV. It lifts my spirits. My life is good, my children adorable, my husband hilarious. Pictures have a way of reminding me of all that is good. And there is a lot that is so dang good. In my life, and in yours. Find the good! I’ll be looking for it too.

And when life feels no good …. CARRY ON!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Mom Texts

I was just going through pictures from the summer when I came upon this little gem.

Out of everyone in the whole entire world that sends me text messages, my mom’s text messages mean the most to mean.

…because text messages like this take talent!

Also, I can post this one on the blog because it’s family friendly. It doesn’t even contain one unintentional swear word or accidental derogatory comment. Not that any of her other text messages do. Right mom? Ha!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

I’m Bloggin’

Spence is at a golf tournament today. He woke up stiff and sore from his workout yesterday and was having a hard time moving his right arm. Unfortunate timing because as it turns out you sort of need your right arm for golfing tournaments. He stretched and moaned and then with sarcasm so thick I could taste it he alleged, “It’s really too bad, because I think we had a dang good chance of winning the whole thing this year."

And then I died.

Because, hilarious.

His team is made up of himself and three coworker: Engineer C, Engineer R, and Engineer P.  Engineer P, aka Patrick, golfs occasionally. And without knowing a single thing about his golf game, based on that fact alone, I would consider him the MVP of the team. Spencer is too sore to get any range of motion in his right arm. And he’s not really a golfer to begin with (no offense honey), but I do think you have to go golfing more than biennially to be considered a golfer. Engineer C is a Brazilian, which has absolutely nothing to do with his golf game. But I was telling you that fact as to say that I would tell you his real name, but truly I haven’t a clue how to spell it. But in reference to his golfing ability, his entire golf experience consists of one measly trip to the driving range. And Engineer R, a Pakistanian, who’s name I am also unable to spell, asked Spence if golf was the game that you used those stick things to hit the little ball with. “Uh huh,” Spence answered.  Well, can I borrow your sticks because I don’t have any sticks of my own? “Clubs,” Spence corrected him, “let’s call them clubs.”

They certainly aren’t going to be bringing home any golfing trophies, but I have a sneaky suspicion that they are going to have the most fun.

Anyway, I have upward of five bazillion things that I want to tell you. Let’s start with 8 (that seems manageable), and I will save the remaining four bazillion and some really, really big number that adds up to a total of five bazillion minus 8 for another day:

One|| School started. No duh, right. It’s already been three weeks since day one! (pssst…. I’m a bit behind on the whole journaling thing) But, my boys a kindergartner! And so far he’s rockin’ it. I get to volunteer in his little Kindergarten class every Tuesday. Last Tuesday was my first day and I got such a kick out of watching him in this new environment. He’s a natural. Our wish came true and he got to be in the same Kindergarten class as his little BFF, which was extremely comforting for his mama. And although I got a bit of nostalgia/anxiety the day or two before school it dispersed when I saw him get off the school bus on day one, hand in hand with Brynlee, with a smile so big it shined. He’s going to be just fine!

And Brynlee in in the 3rd grade. Which seems so grown up and big and stuff. She was extremely nervous about her third grade teacher. She’s known as being the “mean” teacher around school.  But alls well, and as it turns out she sort of loves her. Thus far she has had nothing but good to report. In fact she came home from school the other day and told me that her teacher reminds her so much of me! Which I refused to look into the deeper meaning of (the whole mean teacher thing) and quickly accepted it as a well-intended compliment.

Anyway, the requisite first day of school pictures. 2014 edition:

Two|| Also another school update, Marlee is just fine holding down the fort while Brynlee and Jace are at school. I worried about it actually. Thought she would be lonely, or something. Not true. She loves that no one is around to stand guard and take charge of the things that have been deemed off-limits for her chubby toddler hands. And she especially loves all the one-on-one mom time and extra undivided attention. She’s such a diva!

I kid. But only a little.

Three|| We took a family hike up City Creek a couple Sunday’s ago. It was beautiful. And rejuvenating. And enjoyable. And every other adjective that you would use to describe a Sunday family hike in the beautiful mountains where everybody was getting along and having a good time. But then, when we still had at least a mile to hike before we reached our final ending point, Marlee had an accident. And then the hike got really long. And wet. And uncomfortable. And the opposite of rejuvenating. And also every other adjective that you would use to describe carrying a wet toddler on your hip as you hike down the mountainside.

Parenting is humbling. And also gross.

Four|| Spence and I gifted each other gym memberships for our anniversary. Because nothing says love (and old) (and practical) like a gym membership for your 11th anniversary gift. Although it is leaps and bounds better than steel, which apparently is the traditional wedding gift due at year 11. Weird.

Anyway, with the gym membership came the real gift: time! Which means that Spence has been coming home on his lunch break to watch the kids so I actually get a chance to use the gym membership that was gifted me. It is such a nice break. And not to brag, but I’m actually rockin’ the whole back to the gym thing. Handling it like a champ. In fact, I’m hoping by next week I’ll be able to walk up the stairs like a normal human again. Fingers crossed.

Five|| Last Saturday we day tripped to Logan to watch The Wizard of Oz play. My niece Bryn was our highlight, playing the part of a winged monkey. The production was fantastic. We had such a good time, and I’m secretly crossing my fingers that she keeps up with the drama thing. Watching productions and plays are on the top half of my favorite things list and it’s even more fun when you are watching someone you love out on the stage preforming.

We also got to catch a bit of Gavin’s soccer game before the play. In case you’re wondering, five year olds playing soccer has absolutely no resemblance to 14 year olds playing soccer. It was like watching a real live soccer game.

Six|| Speaking of soccer … it’s that time of year again. Brynlee opted not to play this season, choosing to stick with gymnastics instead. But Jace is playing. He scored 4 goals his first game! Which makes me smile proudly. But it also makes me remember the first season he played soccer, he had barely turned four. Spence and I would cheer and high five and congratulate him obsessively if just by chance there was one time during the game that the ball would come in contact with his foot. It was a rare occurrence, but we found reason to cheer anyway. “Good running, Jace”. “Way to listen to your coach, Jace.” “Good job getting close to the ball, Jace.” “Oh yay! There’s treats, Jace.” We were certain that come the end of the season he would elect to pass up on soccer the next season. It just didn’t seem his thing. Not aggressive seemed to be an understatement. As in he touched the ball maybe five times all season long (possibly by accident), and he was absolutely okay with that. But the next season he surprised us asking to play again. So of course we agreed. And then again the next season. And here we are two years later, still playing soccer. And (bragging mom alert) he has turned into quite the little soccer player.

Sometime during his first little soccer season I was visiting with another mom on the sidelines. Jace ran around pretending to play soccer, but still managing to not come anywhere within 3 feet of the actual soccer ball. “This isn’t about soccer for me,” I told her. “It’s the social aspect, doing something without me. It’s about the experience, and about learning different skills. “Oh,” she answered back, “well, for me it’s about the soccer!”

I love to tell that story. Mainly because (my opinion) some parents take sports way to seriously. But also because, they were four. FOUR!

And then a couple days ago I happened upon this blog post, and I was all like word! Because it’s not about the soccer! And it’s not about the gymnastics. Or dance. Or swimming. Or whatever the extracurricular activity is at the time. It’s about the deeper, truer lessons. And really those deeper, truer lessons makes all the enrollment fees and after school mama taxi services worth it for me. The watching Jace score a goal or catch the baseball or Brynlee do a back handsprings or swim the length of the pool is just a little something extra.

Seven|| On Monday night we watched Marie play her 7th grade volleyball game (when did my baby sister get so big!?). The whole experience made me giddy with memories – middle school volleyball games make up large portion of my middle school memories. Katie made a comment that the real reason that you play sports in middle school is for the bus rides before and after the games. Amen. Also, how did my baby sister get so big!

Eight|| Jace had a birthday! Six years old, people. Which deserves a blog post all of his own, so I’ll write more later.

Which works out well because it’s about time for Spence to get home from his golf tournament and I've got to get up off the couch and act like the kids and I've been busy doing productive things while he’s been gone. I hope we still have time to hide the evidence, you know … change out of our pj’s and brush our teeth. And maybe, if lucks on my side, I’ll have time to clean up the breakfast plates off the table.

Happy Saturday.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Team USofA

It’s raining. It’s becoming an expected afternoon ritual around these parts. Rain, rain and more rain. I think Idaho is confused. But the rainy change of weather has forced us to slow down a bit this week. It’s been a very welcomed change of pace actually. Aside from a much needed grocery store run, gymnastics and Jace’s Kindergarten screening I don’t think we’ve left the house. It’s so not typical of me, but it’s given us time to recharge and relax. We needed that.  

I can’t believe it’s the fourteenth of August. Thirteen measly days and school starts up again. Shesh. And Jace is going to Kindergarten! It’s such a different experience and feeling for me than it was when we were in this same place with Brynlee. Jace is ready, and I'm more comfortable with what is to come. I’ve been here before – and I survived. We were reminiscing at dinner last night about when Brynlee went to her Kindergarten screening. She fought tears, and hid her face, and grabbed on to my arm for dear life. Jace actually ended up going into her screening with her because she wasn’t feeling brave enough to do it herself. He sat next to her and held her hand and gave her courage. Jace, on the other hand, marched right in there. He wasn’t shy, or hesitant, and certainly didn’t need my encouraging words to boost his confidence. He seems so much bigger and older than Brynlee did in that stage of life. And I guess he is. He turns six next month. I can’t believe it! I’ve got my fingers crossed that he and his little buddy, Kyle, get to be in the same Kindergarten class though. I think that was one of the hardest things when I sent Brynlee to Kindergarten. She didn’t know anybody in her class prior to school, and meeting new people has always been fairly intimidating and overwhelming for my kiddos.

I think I’m still going to try and post my capturing summer pictures even though the last one I posted was on June 15, and it is now August 14. Oops. Lame that I didn’t keep up on it. I’d hoped to do better but I think, for the most part, I still took pictures every day. I just never got around to actually posting them. But for the sake of journaling I think I’ll still take the time to complete it. Just for me. 

But first a few pictures from the 4th of July. Because I never posted any of those either. And because it’s one of my favorite holidays. And because it’s raining. And because the kids have friends over, and Marlee’s asleep, and it’s either post 4th of July pictures or do the dishes. And I certainly don’t want to do the dishes.

you should have seen her inhale that cotton candy.  it was quite impressive.
the loot. an absolute favorite thing about the 4th of july party in my parents town.

it was so, so hot at the parade. there was about 2 inches of shade right in that corner. we all squished for refuge from the sun.

my kids learn all of their bad behavior from uncle jake!

i bet your insanely jealous of our smashing good looks.
jake let the kids take turn starting the fireworks. my favorite part was watching how fast they would run away after starting it.
also, notice brynlee's shoes. jace lost his at the firework show earlier that evening, so they would switch brynlee's back and forth while starting the fireworks. But seriously, how do you lose your shoes while watching fireworks? #takestalent

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