Friday, September 28, 2012

a special delivery + cake in the oven

I hand delivered a love note and a bag of gummy worms to a certain somebody in the first grade hall this morning. It was meant as a consultation prize for one of those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad kind of mornings.

We woke up late, which is never a good start. I picked out Levi’s. She hates Levi’s. I served apple juice. And apparently, she hates apple juice. I requested she eat school lunch today. She hates school lunch. I asked her to brush her teeth. And as it turns out, she hates that too. I asked her to get her shoes on {five minutes after the time the car should be leaving the driveway} and instead she sat down on the couch with my cell phone for an intense game of Angry Birds. Because, seriously!

It ended with me carrying her backpack {and lunchbox, because I’m a puchover, that’s why} to the car and her moping behind making meanest mom ever comments {without brushed teeth and in leggings and a skirt}.

The gummy worms were my secret ploy to keep her from moving to Australia. Actually, on second thoughts … what time does school start in Australia!?

She came home {skipping} with BESTEST DAY EVER stories. And even shared one half of one gummy worm with her brother, so all’s well, I suppose.

And it’s Friday. And in minutes we will be headed to Jace’s soccer game. And after that we are family date night-ing to the Beauty and the Beast musical production at the Mystique Theater.

And then tomorrow we will be celebrating no. 34. Spence has requested a “Better than Sex” cake. Kate brought over some leftover cake earlier this week and he concluded that it was, indeed, better than sex.

I’m so over it. Lil’ punkface!

Happy weekending ya’ll.

1 comment:

Jami said...

HAHA! Sounds like some mornings at my house! But little Brookie never gets gummy worms! Hope Spencers B-day was good and the sex was even better.....umm...I mean the cake!!

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