It was enjoyable. It was relaxing. It was divine.
While he was off, we took out a second mortgage to sponsor our new Redbox addiction. I’m kidding, geez. We split the money equally between Redbox and gas money. Those DVD’s don’t deliver themselves. And on top of all the Redboxes, I spent three glorious hours watching Titanic. I cried. And then I laughed. Because I can’t watch Titanic without being reminded of that one time, at a movie theater, in high school, where there was that incident involving a nose and a tart-n-tiny. Oh, ho. Good times. (And for some reason I suddenly feel it’s incredibly important to disclose that it wasn’t my nose. Or my tart-n-tiny.)
While Spencer was home we also ate Cherry Chip Cupcakes with frosting for Breakfast, got more mileage out of our house slippers and pajamas then what is deemed healthy, and aside from the Redbox runs and gym time (cupcakes for breakfast you guys) we never left the house. It was great. I'm so glad we like each other, it makes being a family so much easier.
Oh, and we also did something productive. And since I just knew that nobody would believe me I took picture proof. I couldn't find any before pictures of the Family Room, so you will just have to believe me when I say it looks better now.

And now for my favorite part. Toys, toys, beautifully organized toys! They may only look like this from 9pm until 8am. But during those hours, it feels good.

And here are my two favorite accessories in the family room. (These pictures are mainly for my mom. She hasn't seen the kids in 25 whole days and is getting a little panicked that she won't recognize them next time we see her. Suprisingly she didn't request me to post an updated picture of myself. I think she picks favorites.)