Me, Brynlee and Kate during the intermission of Annie on Thrusday night. |
· Brynlee, Katie and I went and watched the play Annie last Thursday. We had such a great time and I’m not ashamed to admit that I cried like a heartbroken teenager when the cute little orphans sang “It’s a Hard Knock Life.” I really am such a sap. The evening was perfect though. I’m so glad Katie joined us and I am so glad that my Little Miss Sidekick loves watching plays just as much as her mama does. She can sit through about 10 minutes of a movie before she get bored silly, but a two hour play keeps her entertained for its entirety. Makes me happy.
· My kids hate tags on their clothes. Like passionately hate. You know, like the tag sewn into the back of a shirt that says the size, and fabric material, and little love notes like if you dare dry this sweater in your hoity toity drying machine it will turn to a size small enough to fit your lapdog. Yeah, the kids hate those things. Neither of them will wear any clothes until all the tags have been removed from the vicinity of their body. It drives me batty. I never know the size of their clothes, it’s hard to tell front from back, and it’s a pain in the keester to be on the tag removal crew at any beck and call.
· Celebrating summer has become our full-time job. No kidding. We’ve been spending our every second basking in all that summer has to offer. And it’s just as I like it.
· Speaking of celebrating summer we spent the weekend camping with Spence’s big sister, Sarah, and brother, Matt, and their families. We didn’t go camping at all last summer and this trip reminded me how much I love camping. Here’s to more summer 2011 camping trips. {clink, clink}
· And also to cooking more dinner’s dutch oven style. Every time we join Sarah & Brett for dutch oven chicken and potatoes I’m motivated to make it part of my summertime cooking routine. And then I forget. Actually, I don’t forget . . . it’s the follow through that I struggle with. But this summer I’ll triumph. Maybe.
· I’ll be posting pictures from our camping trip in the next day or two. Because it’s what I do.
· Completely unrelated: you know the self flushing toilets that are in most public places? You stand up, and without any warning – no pulling on the flushin’ handle, no nod of the head or wave of the hand – they flush. I hate them!! I mean, sure they are convenient and arguable more sanitary for full grown adults, but for the miniature potty users they’re crap {no pun intended}. My kids are too small to set them into automatic flushy mode. Which isn’t a big deal if there is a handy toilet flushing button to push, but not all models are equip with The Button. So instead I’m left waving my arms, and shaking my booty in hopes that my killer moves will trigger the automatic flushy feature. Just sit down on the potty and stand back up, Brynlee will advise me. Your behind is bigger, it will make it flush. So I do the half squat, still no flushing. So I shake my butt in front of the sensor, still nothing. And just as I’m about to give up, to admit defeat, I turn my back to the toilet to walk away and ta-da dumb thing flushes. Just to mock me, I think.
· And with that I’m off to bed. And I believe it’s high time. Don’t you?