Sunday, March 10, 2013

Edson Fitcher on a Sunday afternoon

Today’s Sunday. The second one in March, and daylight savings day too. We remembered to change our clocks last night, did you? And then today we spent the extra hour of daylight at Edson Fitcher throwing huge rocks into the iced over pond. It was liberating…err something. We came home cold, muddy and anxious for spring. It was so fun. Spence says it is supposed to be 59 on Wednesday and the kids and I spied tulip heads in the backyard flower bed. So hip horray it's on it's way.
Anyway, Spence and I started watching Parenthood on a whim {about time, right Jami?} and I’m having a hard time writing and watching. So until tomorrow.


1 comment:

Jami said...

Oh Yeah!!! I LOVE Parenthood!!! You will laugh and cry if you stick with it!!!
I am way excited for Spring too!!! Where is that place you went to?!?!

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